

I’ve had numbness that is radiating out from my left ear. It started last Wednesday morning after I ran and it progressively spread until the left side of my tongue and chin were tingly numb. Not cool. It was at it’s worst last Friday when I finally went to urgent care. I was afraid it was an inner ear infection. However, that’s not the case. I’m thankful for that, because inner ear infections hurt like hell.

So, what is the problem? Well, the doctor, who came into the exam room wearing a face mask (yeah, very disconcerting) said the ear looks fine, but that there was some fluid behind the eardrum. Not sure how that qualifies as fine, but whatever. He also couldn’t explain the numbness that was radiating out from my ear. Basically he gave me the message I was getting old and these things happen. That attitude is not acceptable. Actually, it’s pretty crappy bedside manner.

Anyway, the extreme tingling and numbness has subsided. My tongue and chin are back to normal. However, there is still pressure and an itch occurring at my left ear. And at the base of the left side of my tongue in my throat there is a bit of discomfort. And I am feeling more fatigued than normal.

Unfortunately I have no insurance as of yet. This being due to once again starting a new job. So, while I wait for my insurance to kick in – not that it matter, the deductible sucks – I am taking a break from running. I just don’t have it in me at the moment. Once my insurance is active I’ll go to my primary and see what she has to say about things.

Further Reports on the Incremental Marathon

Just Keep Running

Okay, I finished my run. Actually, I finished it over an hour ago. When I got back I ended up helping Tina finish up the Chili that turned into Goulash. She forgot to get the spices for making Chili, so I recommended Goulash. Now we have Goulash with beans instead of macaroni. Well, the macaroni will be added when we actually eat it. She made enough to feed a family of 10. Most of it will be frozen for later consumption.

Anyway, about the run. I managed 4.2 miles in 47 minutes. I kept my heart rate mostly in the Aerobic range, with 2:22 minutes in the Anaerobic range. I took it easy and still did a good pace. Back when I first started running a 15 minute per mile pace would put my heart rate into the danger zone. Well, for my age anyway.

Morning Run

Just Keep Running

Okay, I’ve almost finished my second cup of coffee. I’m now working up the motivation to get dressed for my 4th run of the week. it’s 47 minutes long (as discussed earlier I’m doing interval running for weight loss so I don’t run by distance but by time). Today’s run has 4 parts – two are running, one 10 minutes long, the other 35 minutes long. The other two parts are one minute walks.

See you on the other side.

The Incremental Marathon, Part Whatever

Just Keep Running

I have been running, despite the lack of posts detailing my progress. Today, though, was extra special for running because it rained. I love running in the rain. Granted, when I first hit the pavement this morning it was nothing short of a mild drizzle. However, as the run progressed the drizzle turned into a light shower, and finally, into a light rain. It wasn’t heavy at all and so I didn’t end up soaked. My shoes weren’t even wet when I finished. But it was enough to keep me cool.

My pace wasn’t bad either. My first mile was 9:35. After that the pace turned into 11:05 and 11:26. However, those times also included one minute walks. I’m still doing an interval weight loss running plan. It makes me break up my runs into parts. So far they all include 3 one minute walking intervals.

Also, up until this week I’ve been running three days per week – Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Now the plan ups it to 4 days a week, which means Saturdays as well. So far I’ve been hovering around 215 to 220 in weight. But I have noticed my pants are getting looser around the waist and my belt is not at tight at the fifth sinch (hole).

Latest Run

Just Keep Running

The improvement with my pace since I started interval training is amazing. Today I ran my first mile in 9:24 minutes. One of those minutes was a walking interval. I ran a total of 2.89 miles in 30:04 seconds, with 4 of those minutes walking intervals! I’m consistently running better paces than I have ever done before.

Good Morning!

Just Keep Running

I’ve started an interval training plan through Runtastic. So far I’ve been feeling pretty good about the workouts. I definitely feel both less wore out and yet still well exercised. I’m also suspecting the training will increase my distance stats – once I finish this plan in October.

Follow Up

Just Keep Running

Okay, I ran for 45 minutes. I’m in need of new shoes. My heels, especially on the right foot, are worn on the outside. They are starting to cause some discomfort with my arch tendon. Anyway, it was a good run.

Currently I’m cooling down. I’m thinking about a shower. However, Tina’s cooking breakfast. So, I’ll probably eat first, then shower.

Where to Begin?

Just Keep Running

I know. It’s been a while since I’ve typed away on this blog. Not sure what I want to write. I guess I can start by saying the holiday was fun. Tina and I took the whole week off. That allowed us time to drive to Green Bay, stay with her mother, and then on the 4th head to their family reunion. From there we headed home.

That ride home was interesting. At one point the rain was coming down so hard the road was hard to see. I ended up pulling over until it lightened up enough to at least see the lines on the road. Other than that it was a good trip.

I even managed to get a few runs in while at Green Bay. Nothing spectacular, having a tired body makes for a rather difficult pace. Still, I felt good about them.

However, it’s been 3 days since my last run. Time for me to hit the trail. You all have a great day.

About Running

Just Keep Running
I have been!

So, like I said in some post last year; because I had started school I would not be posting about my incremental marathon. Well, school is out for the summer and I could actually resume posting on my running.

However, I am finding it difficult to develop any motivation for posting my stats after I’ve run. Instead, let me just say I have continued to run with only one break of a week due to feeling ill. Otherwise, I’ve managed to hit the pavement at least 3 times a week.

Recently, with the addition of taking hikes with Tina I’ve managed to increase my exercise routine to 4 times a week. We were going to go for a hike this morning but she slept poorly last night and didn’t have the energy. So, tomorrow we are looking to hike up to Ely Peak.

An Update

Brighter Days

So, yeah, I know. It’s been a while. The viral infection has been kicking my ass for the past 3 to 4 weeks. I am finally getting close to feeling 100%. And on top of that I tweaked my left calf muscle just above the Achilles tendon. So I’ve been limping for the last 4 or 5 days.

Yes, it’s all rather pathetic.

That being said, I’ve been doing all I can to catch up on my school work. I was a couple weeks behind in one class and barely managing to keep up with the other. Hence the dearth of posts.

However! Today I awoke to my calf muscle not bitching, my gut finally starting to feel less volatile, and my body not quite aching above and beyond old age. Also, I’ve gotten caught up on all but a few discussion posts – which will be finished tonight.

The sun is starting to come out from behind the clouds.