The Continuing Adventures of the Incremental Marathon

Just Keep Running

I am not only content but happy that I managed a mile under 14 minutes. I cannot recall the last time I accomplished that feat.

Again to the Pavement

Just Keep Running

I have taken a bit of a break from exercising. However, I started back up—nothing grand; nothing extreme; just a nice, simple jog. I am content.

Eat Your Heart Out

The Castle

Because you don’t get to eat my breakfast burger.

I made this!

Admit it; it looks good. It’s a fried egg with cheese and a generic sausage patty from Walmart. The bun is from Kwik Trip. I air-fried the sausage patty and browned the bun on the stove. The egg was fried in a pan using a silicone ring. If you look past the burger, you’ll see a white bowl. It’s full of Malt-o-Meal with raw honey and cinnamon.