The Flu

Just Keep Running

Just a little short of two weeks ago I came down with the flu. Not last Tuesday, but on Tuesday before. I had supper and within a half-hour, I started to feel a tickle in the back of my throat. Buy the time I went to bed I was fully ill. I spent the next 31.5 hours in bed. I slept the entire time. I had the electric blanket set at high and yet I didn’t sweat. Nor did I get up to go to the bathroom or drink anything. I did manage to get up for a bit on Thursday, but I still slept for another 14 hours. I managed to go to work on Friday. But over the weekend I was achy and exhausted. Even worse so on Monday. I went to Urgent Care and was also diagnosed with a sinus infection.

It’s been six days since I started taking the antibiotic. I still have a bit of a cough, but I have been sleeping for a full eight hours a night. Even more surprising is that I’ve been getting over 3 hours of a deep sleep, and 7 hours of quality sleep. I’m thinking that’s due to the Tessalon Perle, or Benzonatate.

Anyway, today I felt well enough to resume exercise. I managed to run 2.66 miles in 30 minutes. Not bad considering I haven’t exercised in 13 days. I’m hoping I’ve recovered enough from the flu to be able to continue running.

Something’s Wrong

There’s something wrong with me. Seriously. I’m kinda scared. I managed to finish all my school work yesterday, with a simple question and response assignment finished this morning after I ran.

This is not like me. I wait until the last minute. I don’t start on my assignments until I have just a little less time than is necessary to complete them. It’s like I’m suddenly confident in my ability to do my school work.

I’m seriously scared. I need a hug.

Oh, and yes, I’ve been maintaining at least a 2 to 4 day per week exercise routine. And I’m journaling every morning as well.

Wow, I think I’m terminal. That’s it, call it. Pull the plug.

Morning World

Just Keep Running

So, I’m up and at it early on a Sunday morning. I’ve finished my morning routine of mindfully writing a journal entry, read my horoscopes, and made some chess moves at Gameknot. Now I’m going to get ready to put some time on the treadmill. After that, it’s a run to the store to replace the Cream of Chicken soup I accidentally grabbed yesterday with a can of Cream of Mushroom soup that’s needed for the pork steaks. Once I get home with that, I am going to isolate myself into my office and get my school work done.