Another Catch-Up Post

Just Keep Running

A run, walk and bike ride.

Tour De Rook 2020

The second leg of the year.

I decided to cross the St. Louis River into Superior. It’s a tougher ride over to Wisconsin than back. It’s a long uphill pedal to the east.

Tour De Rook

It has been a long time since I’ve gotten on my bike. It’s probably been close to 6 years. However, today I broke out the old Specialized and took her for a spin. That is until she got a flat tire. Then I walked the last couple of mile home. But it was a beautiful day for both a bike ride and a walk.

The Bike Ride
The Walk Home

Oh, and I already switched from Runkeeper to Strava. Strava is the better app. I can use my Apple Watch to monitor either a run or a bike ride, and it syncs with my phone when all done. I haven’t quite figured out how to get Strava to do audio cues from the watch (how far, how long, pace, heart rate), but I’m sure I’ll figure it out.

Runkeeper wouldn’t do audio cues from the watch through the phone. Instead, it did it right from the watch. Not good, since I like to listen to audiobooks while on the road. That means earbuds. So I couldn’t hear the alerts when I used the watch for Runkeeper.