Attack of the Sweat Zombie, Part 2

Just Keep Running

I don’t understand why Tina doesn’t want to give me a hug after I finish a run.

By the way, this is mild compared to how I look after a run in the warming seasons. It’s way cool downstairs. If this was spring and I ran outside the t-shirt would be soaking wet all the way to the bottom hem.

Saturday Run

I kept running!

All this considered, I am very happy with today’s run. I did the first mile in about 9:20 minutes. All while keeping my heart rate in the aerobic range. That is actually damn good.

So, yes, I’ve patted myself on the back – without breaking my arm; thank you very much. Now get off my lawn!

Double Run

So, I split my running into two parts. This morning I ran for 20:06 minutes. After work I ran for 9:48 minutes. This morning’s run was 1.93 miles long. This afternoon’s was 1 mile on the nose. That’s 2.93 miles in 29.54 minutes! Not bad considering I’ve been unable to run consistently, what with my sciatica injury, the need to put running aside to clean the snow off the driveway, and then having days where I was just sick. Hopefully those are behind me and I can get back to consistent running.

Quick Post Before Showering

Another run under my belt. This one even better than yesterday’s. Yesterday’s pace was 11.21 minutes per mile. Today’s was 10.52. Almost a 30 second improvement. Not bad. I am content.

Oh, and Tina is still sleeping as I type this, so I was not able to offer my usual sweaty hug. And that’s okay, because there’s only so much rejection I can take.

Attack of the Sweat Zombie!

So, after taking two weeks off from running I finally motivated myself to step once again onto the treadmill. I did not achieve any fantastic pace. Yet, it was respectable considering the 14 day break. 2.65 miles in 30.04 minutes. I’m okay with that.

Of course, after 30 minutes of running I generated quiet the saturation of sweat on my tea-shirt. And, as always, I requested a hug from Tina. It’s a little act we’ve developed over the years. I request a hug, she adamantly refuses. It’s understandable considering my tea-shirt is dripping sweat like a torrential rain storm.

Today I added a new twist, chasing after her with my arms out as she walked away. She made a comment about being chased by a sweat zombie. So, I started moaning “huuuggggg!” repeatedly as I shuffled after her through the house. You’ll be relieved to hear she managed to escape to the basement to do laundry. Zombies don’t do stairs well.


Okay, I finally motivated myself to go for a run. 45 minutes. Outside. It was refreshing and hard work. Though they cleaned off the side walk, it was still covered with at least a half inch to an inch of snow. It’s like running on sand. Exhausting. But it gave me a good workout.

Good Morning!

Working on motivation

Damn, am I stiff this morning. I’ve been sitting at my desk, perusing Facebook after having read my horoscopes. I’m on my second cup of coffee while Smokey is working really hard at getting my attention so I can give her attention. Anyway, my lower back is not enjoying the sitting. I’m thinking it’s about time for a run. It usually helps in eliminating the aches and pains. But it takes mental energy to get motivated for running. And the last time I managed motivation was Friday morning before work.

I had to resort to the air spray to keep Smokey off my desk. In fact, I finally chased her out of the office she was so insistent on knocking anything and anything off my desk.

About Running

I have been running. I just have not taken the time to upload the stats from Runtastic. And now that my classes have started, I will not be doing so anytime soon. I will keep running, but my time otherwise will be spent doing some very writing and reading intensive classes. One is Abnormal Psychology. The other is Science Fiction & Fantasy. This semester is going to be very trying for me.

Post Storm Non-shoveling

Just Keep Running

So I awoke to above freezing temperatures and slush on the ground. In checking the weather forecast I’ve learned the temperature is going to increase. So, no need to shovel this morning. With the high projected to be 38 I figure the slush will have melted away by the time I get off of work and back from my chiropractor visit.

Now – do I hop on the treadmill for some cardio?