Sick Again

Yeah, yeah, I know. Two posts in a row about being sick. They are quite a few days apart. And to be honest, I did get a few runs completed in between these posts.

Anyway, I must have eaten something bad on Thursday because at noon my stomach instantly became upset. And not only that but I also experienced aches and the chills. I managed to make it from the dining room at work to the bathroom where I began the process of completely emptying out my intestinal track. After three more trips to the bathroom at work and feeling so miserable I thought I’d pass out I decided to go home.

In case you’re wondering – yes I was worried about not making it home, or to a gas station bathroom. Thankfully I’d already emptied out most of the contents of my gut. I only needed one more trip to the bathroom when I got home.

After that I have spent all my time laying on the couch, or in bed. My colon was so sensitive I couldn’t let the cats lay next to me on the couch. I also slept 13 or so hours each day – during the day! Even now I am exhausted after sleeping soundly throughout the night.

I was able to eat yesterday with only minimal grumbling from my gut. And I don’t have the need to empty it immediately. Yet my colon is still sensitive. That and I feel I could sleep the rest of the day away still. However, it’s time for me to get off my ass and get some homework done, some lectures listened to, and some shopping to do.

So, with that said, wish me luck as I foray into the world.