Brain Fart

Well, I meant to take my bike down to the cities with me when I took The Fuskers™ to “The Wolverine.” But, due to Post Acute Withdrawal I spaced it out. Oh well. Erik’s Bike Shops (Once known as Erik The Bike Man) are open until 9:00 PM, so I can plan a run tonight or tomorrow night. If I feel up to the trip.

As for this morning; I have a doctor’s appointment. I am seeing an allergist. Today is test for allergies day. I am being mentally stubborn about this whole allergy concept. I am unwilling to accept that it is possible I have allergies. I still believe my allergy symptoms were the result of my severe bacterial sinus infection. Since my treatment by antibiotic sinus rinse has appeared to work, I am not experiencing the symptoms. I have, thought, experienced sinus pain now that they are clear.

Anyway, hope the best for me this morning.

Update: I forgot; The Wolverine was good. But mostly because Hugh Jackman is such a superb actor. And they had a good staple of Japanese actors that could hold their own. I recommend it, though to really understand what is happening you have had to see the past X-Men movies.