April 1st

And there’s snow on the ground. Good one God.

Saturday’s Plan

What to do, what to do?

Well, actually, I do have a chiropractor appointment at 9:45, so that’s already planned for me. However, after that my day is free and clear. I’m wondering if I should go explore the local back roads. I’ve yet to seriously explore the area west and north between Willow River and Mille Lacs Lake. That problem with that plan is it would aggravate my back, which has been acting up since Monday when I made the mistake of quickly bending down to pick up the jello-fruit cup a coworker dropped.

In fact, just sitting here at the computer is causing all sorts of undue discomfort in my lower back. On top of it, the pinch seems to be causing discomfort in my gut. Never a pleasant experience.

Also, I’ve been remiss in traveling to Duluth to enjoy the ambiance of Beaner’s Central. Actually, that might be the ticket. I also need to hit Pet Smart to get some pet mats for my cats’ food station. Kang, the attention-seeking youngster, likes to move the food and water dishes. So I’m thinking of cutting out a place for them in a think, rugged mat so he can’t move the damn things.

I’m not sure what else I can think of for today, so I’ll sign off for now.

I’m Not Irish

Nor do I play one on TV or in blogs………

Oh, wait. I already did that joke. Sorry.

Anyway, I’ll not be wearing green or talking in an accent, or otherwise making an effort to celebrate a heritage to which I’ve no claim in the foreseeable future.

Yes, I understand that means I won’t be asking people to kiss me. Seriously, why would I want complete strangers to kiss me? Have you not seen what people eat? And what they say?

Right. Not happening.


Because I’m ignorant, and really don’t know geology all that well, I’m just wondering about the timing of North Korea slinging missiles and the disappearance of the Malaysian flight.

If nothing else I’d of expected the conspiracy theorists to be going crazy about it already.

Sunday Morning

I’m blogging from my favorite restaurant, Peggy Sue’s. Yesterday I was down in the cities. I went to the Mall of America looking for a new mouse. Unfortunately what I was looking for was not in store. However, I discovered a watch and jewelery repair shop at the mall, so I dropped off a pair of pince nez I bought a year or so ago. Unfortunately they were broken, which I didn’t see until months after I bought them. Just a simple spring that caused one of the nose pads to press against the nose. Anyway, I’m hoping that they can do a simple spring repair. I’m waiting on a call back with an estimate. If they get them repaired I am considering getting lenses for them.

Here’s a picture that is closest in style to mine:

MS003244.1LOne of the more disappointing aspects of my visit to the Mall of America is that I could not find a decent place to sit and blog. I really wanted to sit at my favorite spot, which is the Caribou Coffee shop up on the third level. It has tables on the side that look down two levels. It’s a great place to people watch. But it was insanely busy! The line to just get a drink was at least 20 minutes long. Then the possibility of getting a table was even longer.


One of the perks of living next to a restaurant; I get to take one of my own plates and have them make me breakfast to go! Actually, I think I’ll take a picture for you all to see! Be prepared for an update.

Update: As promised, a picture of my breakfast.



I’ve had one since yesterday afternoon. It just seems to not want to go away. I’ve had breakfast and my coffee. I’m going to work on some ibuprofen next.

Okay, that is all.

Continue reading


Sigh. Mom was having problems with her computer, so she decided to use system restore. Unfortunately the last restore point was from before my installing the new printer drivers. Yes, that means they are gone. So, I have to go over to my parents’ house and spend 3 to 4 hours downloading and re-installing the drivers. Sheesh.

Parents. Gots to love them.

Feeling Rejected

Because I have a rule that I don’t post about my job, I haven’t said anything about the promotion I was vying for this past couple of weeks. Well, I didn’t get it and I’m taking it hard. When I was told that I didn’t get the promotion it was explained that I didn’t sell myself well enough in the interview.

See, the problem is, two of the three interviewers see me work every day. They even mentioned how hard they see me working when explaining why I didn’t get the promotion. But they also said they had to act as if they didn’t know me when they did the interview.

So, that means all the hard work, the willingness to step in and help out, and the fact that I displayed leadership in the act of doing my work didn’t mean shit because I failed to project an image of leadership in a 2 hour interview. So, basically two years of hard work didn’t count against a snapshot in time.

Yeah, not feeling very appreciated or valued as an employee right at the moment.

Feeling Rejected

Because I have a rule that I don’t post about my job, I haven’t said anything about the promotion I was vying for this past couple of weeks. Well, I didn’t get it and I’m taking it hard. When I was told that I didn’t get the promotion it was explained that I didn’t sell myself well enough in the interview.

See, the problem is, two of the three interviewers see me work every day. They even mentioned how hard they see me working when explaining why I didn’t get the promotion. But they also said they had to act as if they didn’t know me when they did the interview.

So, that means all the hard work, the willingness to step in and help out, and the fact that I displayed leadership in the act of doing my work didn’t mean shit because I failed to project an image of leadership in a 2 hour interview. So, basically two years of hard work didn’t count against a snapshot in time.

Yeah, not feeling very appreciated or valued as an employee right at the moment.