A Before Work Run

Just Keep Running

I slept well enough that I woke up feeling rested at 4:30 AM. So, after spending an hour doing my morning routine of meditation readings, horoscopes, and mindful journaling, I went for a run.

Just Another Incremental Marathon Post

Just Keep Running

This run, combined with the distance I walked mowing the lawn, resulted in 5.35 miles, 10,398 steps, and 67 minutes of exercise time. Yeah, I’ll be exhausted tomorrow.

A Walk and A Run

Just Keep Running

After not feeling well yesterday, I recovered enough to go for a 4th of July walk with Tina. We left the car at one of the Trail Head parking lots, and I ran 2 miles to pick it up.

Another Incremental Marathon Post

Just Keep Running

It’s been a while, I know. I was not feeling well and chose to sleep longer instead of running in the mornings. For some reason, I was exhausted for the last week. I don’t know if it was the weather or the stressor of change at work. Others had been commenting on the increased irritation to their sinuses. The air quality was possibly low due to the above-average rain, causing an increase in mold and fungi spores in the air.

I don’t run in the late afternoons or evenings because it interferes with my sleep. Hours after finishing a run, my body continues to feel energized, and that energized feeling interferes with falling asleep. However, the energy helps with my mornings at work, so I prefer morning runs. Also, the energy starts to diminish in mid-afternoon. By evening I am tired and sleep much better.

I feel good this morning. The run wasn’t too slow, and I kept my heart rate below 158, which is max for someone my age. Hopefully, I’ll be able to continue with my morning runs after this brief pause in the routine.