First Week Of School

All things said and done, I’m pretty happy with my efforts towards the first week in school. When I look at my past grades, I can say without a doubt that I put nearly no effort into studying. Not compared to what I’ve done this first week.

Part of the reason is due to the use of online studying the U of M has implemented. Being able to take quizzes multiple times has made it easier for me to zero in on what I need to study. What’s nice is they only use the highest score on the quiz. Granted, the quiz for Chapter one was due yesterday but I have until September 25th to take the quiz over. And even if I get a perfect score between now and the 25th, it still counts!

So, what the college has done is put emphasis on the effort of learning as much as on outcome.


So, I was going to visit the Parental Units but they appear not to be home. However, all was not lost. Jenna, my niece, is in a volleyball tournament today. So, I adjusted. 

I’m having a wonderful time watching my extremely talented niece play. Plus, she was very happy to see me. I even received a hug! Of course she had to brag she has longer hair than me. 

Difficult Wake-up

As in my bed simply wouldn’t let me up. So, as a result? Yeah, not any time spend studying this morning. Well, it’s Friday. I do have an essay on scatterplots I need to get done and submitted by the end of tomorrow. Actually, I need to get an essay done on how studying and doing the work of the class will give me a better grade and oh! here’s a graph that shows proof of just that concept.

Yeah, I’m thinking of all sorts of sarcastic, passive-aggressive ways of writing my essay.


I watched the Intro to Psych video this morning. I meant to watch it last night but I was so exhausted I went to bed by 7:30. Anyway, one of the instructors is a serious nerd! One, she talked about Gandolf. Two, she ended the lecture with the Wave. Yes, as in doing the wave done in stadiums. She’s definitely a nerd.

I’m going to love this class, I believe.

Good Morning World

Spent my hour studying. Feeling pretty good about the effort. I actually managed to get through Chapter One of the textbook and even worked a bit on the end of chapter self-quiz. Next, I will be exploring the online study guide program available to me. Anyway, now it’s time for me to get ready for work. You all have a great day.

School Work

Okay, managed an hour this morning, and just about an hour tonight. Reading the text book. I also discovered I have to do a forum post about scatter-plotting. Thankfully it’s not due until Sunday. However, the Chapter 1 quiz is due by the 10th. And on top of that there will be two lectures to watch this week.

Anyway, a neck/headache has decided to settle down with me. So, I’m going to stop fighting it and go take something and then go to bed. I’ll get caught up in the morning.


… it ever was.

Nothing really changes. The world spins as it circles around the sun. The sun and the planets swirl around in the galaxy. The galaxy swirls around the universe in a dance with other galaxies.

You and I shall shuffle about this mortal coil, and then carry on to whatever next awaits in our journey. We- most of us –  will be forgotten by those whom linger in this place as but rubes led about by unscrupulous leaders more concerned with their power than with their obligations.

What then, do we make of ourselves? Woe and be morose? Lament and play victim? Or stand tall and take comfort that we lived this life to the best of our abilities? Be confident in our values? Our morals? Know that we put every effort in living in what we believe to be right and avoid walking the path that is wrong?

In the end there is but one thing for certain: I was here, I lived, and I experienced the life meant for me.

Oh, and one last thing – God trusted me enough to give me my soul. He didn’t give it to someone else. He gave it to me. To those whom claim I am making the wrong choices; what makes you know better than God?

Tina Is Up!

Okay, I managed to get in a run, and make me some breakfast before Tina got out of bed. She’s having her morning coffee and once awake is going to start cleaning. As we have two different approaches to cleaning, it’s best I get out of the house and out of her way. She bulldozes through cleaning where as I take many breaks.

We compromise though. I’ll do the laundry later on today after she’s done her cleaning. So, I’m going to take my MacBook Air, head to Beaner’s Central, and do classwork. Well, first I have to finish breakfast, and take a shower.

Beautiful Morning

It is just too damn beautiful this morning for me to sit at this computer and type. I’m going for a run. You all behave while I’m gone. Yes, even you in the back of the room. I expect everyone to be on the best behavior.

And So It Begins!

All sorts of wonderful information came my way this morning. First, the web page for my class finally came online. I’ve got quite a bit of reading ahead of me today. Second, my bill came due for the class. I wanted to look into the details of when it’s due, and the means by which I can pay the bill off, but the University shuts down parts of its system on Sundays, 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM.


Still, I’m hoping to learn what I have to do to be able to successfully complete this class. Since Tina is going to kick me out of the house so she can clean I’ll just take the old MacBook Air with me and do some reading at a local coffee shop.