Incremental Marathon Update Part, “Who Knows?”

Just Keep Running

I am content. I took it easy. No need to exhaust myself.

Incremental Marathon/2020 Tour De Rook Update #∞

Just Keep Running

Yes, yes. I know. It’s been a while since I’ve posted any of my runs and rides. Well, here they are.

I enjoyed today’s run. I didn’t set any new records. But I maintained a pace of which to be proud. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got breakfast to cook.

Morning Routine Completed

Just Keep Running

Okay, I’ve drunk my coffee, read my horoscopes, and made moves in my pending chess games. Now it’s time to go for a run. I’ve not run for over a week. I have been emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted. So much so that I decided to cut back on my responsibilities. That means I dropped my classes for the semester. I didn’t have the energy to keep up.

Of course, dropping classes for the semester means that I will have to face some financial consequences. But I’ll deal with them as they come. Besides, I plan on resuming classes in the Spring of 2021. I will have to navigate the consequences to resume classes, no doubt.

Anyway, it’s off for a run. You all be on your best behavior. Yeah, I know. I suck the fun out of life. Deal with it.

Incremental Marathon – Part ∞

Just Keep Running

Because, you know – I’m committed.

NO! Not to an institution, you jerks. To running. I’m committed to running.

Everyone’s a comedian.

Good Morning Blogstonia!

Yes, I’m up. I’ve been up since 5:25 AM when Smokey decided to step on the Apple remote and turn on the TV. The little shit. Of course, she was attempting to knock things off of elevated surfaces because she wanted her morning treats.

So, I’ve managed to get through my morning routine. That includes finishing my two cups of coffee. Next? I’m contemplating a run. I’d go on a bicycle ride, but 49 degrees is just too chilly. I’ll probably end up going for a run.

Oh, speaking of Smokey, here she is sitting on the stone table watching for the red squirrel she treed earlier. It was chattering away in anger on the tree in the background as this picture was taken.

Caught Up

Just Keep Running

I paced myself based on my breathing. I ignored all other cues. No heart rate announcements, no pace announcements. Just paying attention to my breathing. As a result I ended up with my second best performance since switching to Strava to monitor my exercise.

Demonstrating Commitment

Just Keep Running

Okay, to show my commitment to both blogging and to exercise, here is the latest from the Incremental Marathon. I have decided to turn off all audio cues during exercise. Instead, I am paying attention to both my breath and the blood flow through my eyes. That is, if I’m pushing myself too hard, I start to see the blood throb in my eyesight.

Catch Up

Just Keep Running

So, I’ve not been the most motivated with my exercise. I’ve also not been the most motivated in posting the results to my blog. So, hence this catch-up post.

The app messed up this map. Somehow the GPS didn’t stop registering even though the app stopped monitoring. So, that straight line is my drive to work. However, all the stats for this run appear to be correct.

Really, there’s nothing to say about this run.

This run felt pretty good. I pushed myself on heart-rate, which seemed to clear my head.

For Want of Rain

Just Keep Running

All it did was sprinkle. And then only during the last 8 minutes or so of the run. I missed the heavy rain which occurred before I hit the pavement. It wasn’t a bad run considering I took six days off. Still, I would have liked a heavier rain in which to run.