Another Increment

Just Keep Running

Okay, that was a surprise. I managed the first mile in 12.39 minutes! It’s been one hell of a long time since I’ve managed a mile that fast.

The Continuing Adventures of the Incremental Marathon

Just Keep Running

I am not only content but happy that I managed a mile under 14 minutes. I cannot recall the last time I accomplished that feat.

Again to the Pavement

Just Keep Running

I have taken a bit of a break from exercising. However, I started back up—nothing grand; nothing extreme; just a nice, simple jog. I am content.

Pick Up the Van Run

Just Keep Running

I finally remembered that Tina’s van had been sitting in the parking lot at the repair shop where my Flex had its bearing repaired. I left it there when picking up the Flex – three weeks ago! So, I put on some running shorts and my ever-popular “Everything Hurts and I’m Dying” t-shirt and ran to get it. And yes, now I am really dying.

Stalled Resumption Resumed

Just Keep Running

I know, I know. I seem to have problems with maintaining motivation. Oh well. I did get out on my bike today. After that, I did a 10-minute jog. I also posted a few other activities from earlier this year.


Just Keep Running

Forgive me Blogsphere, for I have sinned. It has been 2 months and 14 days since my last exercise.

However, today I’ve resumed exercising. I purchased a new Cateye so I can track my stats for my bicycle rides. Then there’s the treadmill. And since I’ve a stationary bike stand for my Specialized, I will be working out in the basement until the road/trail conditions improve. Also, most of my winter running gear was purchased when I was 20 or 30 pounds lighter. By the time I get back down to that weight, it’ll be summer.

Anyway, I’m catching up on posting my stats.