Today’s Phenominal Run

I am not sure how this happened. I certainly had no intent on pushing myself hard. Indeed, my heart rate shows I clearly did not push myself much beyond my normal effort. So, color me surprised that I set all sorts of new records. Enough of words, here are the pictures:

Infamous Run of 10/20/2018!
As you can see, my first three miles were of normal pace. However, after that all sorts of increased speed without increased effort occurred. I’m surprised myself.
As you can see, the majority of my run stayed within the Aerobic zone. So, obviously my body was not being pushed beyond any normal limits.

Here, now, are my new personal records:

I know the route stated nine records, but one is just a repeat calories record and I didn’t feel the need to have it posted here.

Past Runs

I have been remiss in posting my runs. Here are three from earlier this week.


Pre Run Post

Checked the weather – no rain in the forecast. I’ve had a cup of coffee, so I am awake. I’ve read my horoscopes and they have indicated no danger so it’s safe to step outside. Yup, going for a run. You all behave while I’m out there pounding the pavement and dirt.

After the run I am slated to make breakfast for Tine. Yes, yes. I know. I’m spoiling her. It’s the only way I can ensure that she spoils me in return. It’s mutual spoilage.

Okay, that didn’t sound right. But trust me, our relationship works.

Running, Running, Runn….SNOW!!!!!!

Yup. That’s right. It was a fine, mist of a snow fall this morning as I ran. Here are the stats, and map.

Best Laid Plans

My alarm went off at 4:30 AM because I had the intention of going for a run this morning. However, my body made it clear that wasn’t going to happen. And the worse part of this whole situation is that it’s raining! I love running in the rain. Anyway, now the plan is to run after I get home. I’ve got my fingers crossed that it’ll still be raining.

Today’s Run, Plus a New Phone!

My phone messed up again today. I was about 4 tenths of a mile from home when it put Runtasic on pause. You can see the gap on the map. I actually ran all the way back to the house. Anyway, my phone has been acting up a lot. The screen locks up for minutes at a time, drops Blue Tooth connection on a regular basis, and generally runs like crap. So I went to T-Mobile and got myself a new phone. Turns out all those runs in the rain, not to mention my perfuse sweating, cause water damage to my old phone. So I decided on the iPhone Xs, which is water resistant. 


A couple of new records today: The fastest 10 K (1:12:50)and the most calories burned (1603). I didn’t try to establish any new records. I didn’t even pay attention to the pace. I just chose a route and ran comfortably. My heart rate did hit 210, but that was at the steepest part of the trail at the 5.88-mile mark. And it was just a quick spike, nothing extensive.

The Route
The Stats

Today’s Workout

Today’s workout consisted of two runs and two walks. For some reason, the last walk did not create a map or a table of states. 

First Run:

First Walk:

Second Run:

Second Walk, at which time Tina rescued me.