Catch Up

There was a hiccup with the GPS and Runtastic on my last run, causing the first 5 minutes not being recorded. Otherwise, her are the stats:

Running Catch-up

Just Keep Running

I did manage to run three straight days at the start of the week. Then I took three days off. I hit the treadmill this morning. Here are the stats for the last two runs.

Another Treadmill Post

Just Keep Running

I kept pulling the damn safety magnet off the treadmill, losing my stats. So, though I have the Runtastic numbers, I had to guess at the distance.

Treadmill Stats

Just Keep Running

It’s just too damn blowsery outside for running. So, instead, I decided to use the treadmill. And thankfully Runtastic has the ability to monitor my heart rate while I am on the treadmill. As you can see I didn’t push myself all that hard. Most of my heart rate was spent in the fat burning zone.

And I Finally Hit The Pavement

It’s been 6 days since I ran and I was pleasantly surprised at my pace and heart rate this morning. I’ve been sick most of the week. On Tuesday I spent 20 hours in bed, actually sleeping. My stomach has been and nauseous and uneasy. Even as I type this it is gurgling. But the heartburn that was actually painful only lasted for about two days.

Anyway, I’ll be getting caught up on my stats. I’m going to go meet mom at Peggy Sue’s for a delays Thanksgiving Dinner.

Incremental Marathon Update

I ran this morning. I also ran Friday morning. I’ve got about 3 days of stats to post sometime in the future.


Yes, I was cray cray and went for a run this morning. Stats will be posted later.

The other update is about college. I saw my academic advisor today. He gave me the proposal guideline I’ll need to write for my bachelors. I’m blending my addiction studies with psychology. So I’m actually going to be attending two colleges. Well, sorta.

I’m supposed to write about where I came from, where I’m at, and where I want to go. That way the two colleges can suggest classes for my bachelors and any further academic courses afterwards.

I’m excited. I’m getting closer to my goal.

All in all a good day.

Do I or Don’t I?

It’s 19 degrees outside with a wind of 11 mph. Do I go running or don’t I? I’m actually contemplating yes as the answer. I know. I know. I’m crazy. But it’s so fun.