Pick Me! Pick Me!

Actually, this is for Sean Paul Kelly who – no doubt – is waiting to get the nod as the Vice-Presidental pric……. errrr, I mean pick.


Interview Tomorrow

I am interviewing for a release planner position at Stillwater Prison tomorrow. Hope the best for me, will you. I’d ask for luck, but we make our own, don’t we?

Tribalism 101

(538) As I have argued elsewhere, we should be concerned about politics being treated this way. I can hate the Yankees, feel wronged that Tom Brady is benched for a few games, and make the absurd claim that I would be very upset if my sons married Yankees fans. In sports, irrational partisan feelings are permissible because the stakes are so low. Irrational partisan emotions clearly exist in politics, too, but in politics we should be ashamed of them.

It’s an interesting read.

Which Is It?

So, when Trump made his 2nd Amendment statement, which was he referring to? The right to bear arms or about the well regulated militia? Is he advocating for a lone gunman? Or does he support the grassy knoll concept?

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.


And exhausted. But a great time was had by all. Picture will be posted tomorrow after my phone has had time to upload them to the cloud.

Did I say we were back? Well, we are.

And exhausted.


Oh, I did say that.


I’m, you know, exhausted.

Weekend Plan

Yes. We have a plan. It’s to discover the Grand Canyon of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. It actually is not anywhere near as large as the Grand Canyon (duh!) but the pictures sure made it look beautiful. It reminded me of the Vermillion River gorge behind the granary mill in Hastings. My hope is to bring back some gorgeous pictures.

Oh, and we’re taking a route through Porcupine Mountain State Park. Supposedly not named after the animal.

Yeah. You got me. Sounds beautiful.

Okay, time for me to get dress and head out the door.

Update: Another thing: for not being a morning person Tina is awfully bright eyed and busy tailed this morning. It’s a bit scary.