
Okay, so I am giving WordPress a try. It sure as hell was easier to install than Movable Type. I had this great first post when I initially started this blog with Movable Type. But, in switching over to WordPress, I failed to save that great post. Trust me, it was some of my greatest writing.

No, really. It was. Greatest. Writing. Ever.

Anyway, the plan now is to slowly learn my way about WordPress, figure out how to change the style, maybe shrink the god awful header (mission accomplished!) with the over-sized picture. But for now, welcome to my new blog: Guy Andrew Hall.

4 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. Your old place was driving me nuts. Firefox insisted that I needed another plug-in to see it and I couldn’t log in because the log-in page wouldn’t load. Alas, things break, even old familiar things, and we have to move on to something else.

    Welcome to WordPress, it has been working for me for quite a while.

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