Oh My Gosh!

So, had my stents removed. First off, let me say: DAMN!!!!!!!!! Those things were huge! As long as my index finger, as wide as two of my fingers, between an eighth and a quarter inch thick, and with a channel twice the size of an aquarium air hose. Now I understand why my nose was upset.

Anyway, I slept unbelievably well last night. I put a towel on my pillows in case of any blood drainage. And trust me, there is now a ton of blood that comes out when I blow my nose.

Sorry, I digress.

I fell asleep within moments of putting my head to my pillow at 10:18 PM. Next thing I know, it’s 4:20 AM! No waking up every hour on the hour! The kicker? It was a full moon last night. I am notorious for not sleeping well at all on a full moon.

Honestly, I had the surgery more because of the constant sinus infections. However, I am beginning to realize just what an amazing benefit it did for my sleep.