The Flu

Just Keep Running

Just a little short of two weeks ago I came down with the flu. Not last Tuesday, but on Tuesday before. I had supper and within a half-hour, I started to feel a tickle in the back of my throat. Buy the time I went to bed I was fully ill. I spent the next 31.5 hours in bed. I slept the entire time. I had the electric blanket set at high and yet I didn’t sweat. Nor did I get up to go to the bathroom or drink anything. I did manage to get up for a bit on Thursday, but I still slept for another 14 hours. I managed to go to work on Friday. But over the weekend I was achy and exhausted. Even worse so on Monday. I went to Urgent Care and was also diagnosed with a sinus infection.

It’s been six days since I started taking the antibiotic. I still have a bit of a cough, but I have been sleeping for a full eight hours a night. Even more surprising is that I’ve been getting over 3 hours of a deep sleep, and 7 hours of quality sleep. I’m thinking that’s due to the Tessalon Perle, or Benzonatate.

Anyway, today I felt well enough to resume exercise. I managed to run 2.66 miles in 30 minutes. Not bad considering I haven’t exercised in 13 days. I’m hoping I’ve recovered enough from the flu to be able to continue running.

Something’s Wrong

There’s something wrong with me. Seriously. I’m kinda scared. I managed to finish all my school work yesterday, with a simple question and response assignment finished this morning after I ran.

This is not like me. I wait until the last minute. I don’t start on my assignments until I have just a little less time than is necessary to complete them. It’s like I’m suddenly confident in my ability to do my school work.

I’m seriously scared. I need a hug.

Oh, and yes, I’ve been maintaining at least a 2 to 4 day per week exercise routine. And I’m journaling every morning as well.

Wow, I think I’m terminal. That’s it, call it. Pull the plug.

Morning World

Just Keep Running

So, I’m up and at it early on a Sunday morning. I’ve finished my morning routine of mindfully writing a journal entry, read my horoscopes, and made some chess moves at Gameknot. Now I’m going to get ready to put some time on the treadmill. After that, it’s a run to the store to replace the Cream of Chicken soup I accidentally grabbed yesterday with a can of Cream of Mushroom soup that’s needed for the pork steaks. Once I get home with that, I am going to isolate myself into my office and get my school work done. 

Incremental Marathon

Just Keep Running

It was one month ago today I last did any exercise. I finally stepped onto the treadmill today and did 20 minutes at 5 mph. My heart rate shows I lost conditioning. I didn’t exceed my max heart rate, but I passed aerobic well before 10 minutes of running and spent 14 minutes in the anaerobic range. It looks like I’ll be easing back into rigorous exercising.

Oh, and there will be no statistics today. I’ve got to get ready for work.

Double Update

Just Keep Running

So, the above slideshow has the heart rate stats for both the run on Friday and today’s run. There is also a mile by mile chart of speed, heart rate, and elevation for today. On Friday I was up at the Miller Hill Mall/Essentia Fitness Center. I did upper body weight (arms) work and then hit a treadmill. Today I did an outdoor run.

Today’s run was a long one. I managed to cover 7.6 miles in 1 hour, 23 minutes, and 30 seconds. I averaged 11 minutes and 15 seconds per mile.

Today’s Workout

Just Keep Running

I started with upper body work. Nothing extreme. Just enough so I can feel it without being stiff and sore for the next 2 weeks. After that I did some treadmill running. My sprinting/walking – repeat based on heart rate zones.

Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell you – I am now a member of the Essentia Fitness Center at Miller Hill Mall. It’s a nice place. Mostly people my age or older. None of that nonsense of hyper lifting grunts and groans as weights are slammed up or down.

Anyway, stats in the slide show

Another Incremental Update

Just Keep Running

Today’s run was a straight through. No sprinting/walking/repeat. Stats in the slide show.

Incremental Marathon Update

Just Keep Running

Good morning! Today was a heart rate workout. I started out sprinting until I hit Zone 5. Then I walked until I dropped below the Easy Zone. Then I sprinted again.

So, here are the heart rate zones:

  • Red Line – 168 to 158
  • Anaerobic – 149 to 157
  • Aerobic – 140 to 148
  • Fat Burning – 130 to 139
  • Easy – 121 to 129

Today’s Run

Just Keep Running
The Grand/Munger Loop.

I’m happy. I was able to keep my heart rate going at a good clip without over exerting myself. I did hit a maximum heart rate of 164, but only for about 1 minute and 50 seconds, which isn’t that big a deal. I certainly didn’t feel any negative effects from red lining for that long. And I managed a 4 minute and 30 second half mile – up hill!

So, yes, I am content.

Treadmill & Heart Rate

Just Keep Running

Good morning one and all. Well, probably more like one. As in one reader. Anyway, I did a treadmill run. But instead of pace and distance I did heart rate training. I started out at 7 mph until I hit a heart rate of 159. I then dropped my speed down to 2.5 mph and waited until my heart rate dropped below 113. And then I sped back up. As you can see I did this for 30 minutes and still managed to run for 2 miles. The breakdown of my heart rate zones is as follows: 38% (11:28) in no zone, 16% (4:49) in easy, 13% (3:49) in fat burning, 18% (5:22) in Aerobic, and 15% (4:24) in Anaerobic. My maximum heart rate hit 163.

I believe the next time I do a heart rate run I’ll up my lower end to 119 instead of 113. I would like to even out all the zones. I also adjusted the incline a bit. I might also employ that more. I only did it a few times, and only up to 4 inches. But that’s something to work in more seriously down the line.