Just One More Tweak

Looking to see if I have a clearer picture associated for all posts now.

Testing, Testing, 3, 2, 1, Testing!

I’ve done some tweaking to the menu just about the header picture. Plus I put in a new header image. It is not switching with the other two, but I think I’ll fix that later – if at all.

And That’s Done

The lawn, that is. Mowed. All of it. Including the front incline. Even though I finished it over a half hour ago, I’m still raining sweat. It’s running down my sides, back, and forehead. It’s collecting at the base of my throat. The shirt I was wearing was completely drenched to the point of the sweat dripping off the bottom.

Yeah, I’m feeling exhausted.

But it’s a good exhausted.

Now, if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go sit outside and let my body cool down. It doesn’t even pay to take a shower until I stop sweating.

A Bit of Fine Tuning

That is, I added a new background. The black was just too damn boring. I think the coffee tile is both appropriate and cool. I’m sure you all agree.

If you don’t……..

Too damn bad. I don’t want to hear about it.

After Yesterday

I am waking up hard. My body is letting me know in no uncertain terms that I pushed myself a bit too hard in doing push-ups before going on the run yesterday. Oh well. I’m still working on getting into shape, not staying in shape. So I have to push myself past the comfort zone.

Anyway, I still managed to get dishes done. Now it’s just a matter of waiting for coffee.

Black coffee.

No, not with cream and sugar.

Straight, unadulterated coffee.

Seriously, what is wrong with you people.