Accidental School Work Avoidance

All I did was update my iMac. I wanted to install MacOS Sierra. I figured a 10 minute update process. Well, here it is an hour and a half later and it’s finally done. Sheesh. So, I’ll be reading my textbook in the morning and trying to catch up on my essay and other stuff this weekend.

Early Morning Studying

I had a tough time listening to yesterday’s lecture after having driving all the way from Shakopee to home. 3 hours on the road through rush hour traffic is exhausting. I managed to get through about half the lecture until I started drifting off. Luckily the video started right up this morning from where I left off last night. Now, all I need is to read chapter 3 in the textbook, look for some video or another visual distortion example on the internet, and get some more work done on my essays. I’m thinking this next weekend is a stay at home weekend so I can get ahead of my school work.