
… it ever was.

Nothing really changes. The world spins as it circles around the sun. The sun and the planets swirl around in the galaxy. The galaxy swirls around the universe in a dance with other galaxies.

You and I shall shuffle about this mortal coil, and then carry on to whatever next awaits in our journey. We- most of us –  will be forgotten by those whom linger in this place as but rubes led about by unscrupulous leaders more concerned with their power than with their obligations.

What then, do we make of ourselves? Woe and be morose? Lament and play victim? Or stand tall and take comfort that we lived this life to the best of our abilities? Be confident in our values? Our morals? Know that we put every effort in living in what we believe to be right and avoid walking the path that is wrong?

In the end there is but one thing for certain: I was here, I lived, and I experienced the life meant for me.

Oh, and one last thing – God trusted me enough to give me my soul. He didn’t give it to someone else. He gave it to me. To those whom claim I am making the wrong choices; what makes you know better than God?