About Iraq

When the drum beat for invading Iraq grew, I remember having doubts. I read about the reports that were ignored by the legacy media at the time. I also had some semblance of logic that rumbled around my brain; I was able to put some salient points together. Still, I was also willing to give the President of the United States the benefit of the doubt.

Ultimately, I was wrong. I was willfully ignorant. I made no effort prior to 2003 to really read up on what was happening politically. I even proudly stated that in 2000 we proved ourselves to be a civilized, peaceful nation when the election was in doubt; no guns were fired, no civil war erupted as would have been the case in many other countries.

Now, of course, I see that position as completely idiotic. Stealing an election, whether by fraud or by bullet is still stealing. And there are consequences for that type of dishonesty. But I engaged in denial. I ignored the voice of wisdom that my Higher Power gave me. As a result I failed to speak up and evil was allowed to gestate and a war was birthed.

Granted, alone I am not much of a power to turn the tide of evil. Yet I did not need to be alone. I was one of many who willfully allowed politics to ferment without any awareness or input. Blind faith in our Constitution, and in our political process is not what the founding fathers had in mind. Just the opposite; they expected an active roll of the population.

Since the government of the United States of America is of the people, by the people, for the people, it is of utmost importance that the people be educated and involved. I can not speak for others, as much as I would like to, but I can speak for myself; I failed to live up to the ideals of the founding fathers.

Not anymore.

I will not support a war with Iran.


I have a Black & Decker Coffee pot with an auto start feature. So, every morning I wake up to the wonderful smell of fresh brewed coffee. This morning when the alarm went off something was missing. I did not notice it consciously at first; it nagged at the back of my awareness. I actually fed the cats and hit the bathroom before I discovered the coffee pot was sitting empty.

And no, the coffee machine is not malfunctioning – I am. I failed to set the auto feature last night when I went to bed. Not something I am wont to do on a regular basis. However, I came to the realization that with my coffee pot I am spoiled. Right now I miss having my cup of coffee sitting to the left of me as I either write in my journal or type away at a blog post or make a comment at another blog.

Also: no I am not sitting naked in my mother’s basement eating Cheetos as I type this. First, I live alone in a house I rent. That is right boys and girls! I actually pay rent. I even have a job! Is that not just amazing. Okay, you in the back row, stop snickering before I find something to throw. Second, my parents do not have a basement. Third, I prefer Earl’s Cheese Puffs over Cheetos any day of the week – and twice on Sunday.

Alright you in the back row! Shut it! I have raw eggs in my refrigerator and I am not afraid to use them!

Update: Yeah! My coffee is ready. Thank God! The world is safe now.