Two Donalds

Tammy Booth posted this on Facebook. Well, I just had to put it on my blog. For your enjoyment – Donald “The Duck” Trump!

Which Is It?

So, when Trump made his 2nd Amendment statement, which was he referring to? The right to bear arms or about the well regulated militia? Is he advocating for a lone gunman? Or does he support the grassy knoll concept?

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Name-Dropping Is A Distraction

(THR) On Tuesday, talk show host John Phillips, a Trump supporter, appeared on the news network and discussed the GOP presidential nominee’s controversial week.

“Over the last few days, I’m not surprised to see people running for the hills,” Phillips said. “The last 72 hours for Donald Trump have been the political equivalent of Chris Farley’s final 72 hours on planet Earth.”

Okay, on the surface it looks like this is an accusation of Trump committing political death by being out of control. However, the “people running for the hills” is the more telling part of this comment. Phillips appears to be a 27 percenter.  Chris Farley as an example really doesn’t seem relevant to the discussion. Instead, it’s a distraction from his point – that people are being traitors and abandoning Trump. He’s laying the ground work for shifting the blame of Trump’s possible Presidential election loss away from Trump and on traitorous supporters.

Bomb The World!

Does Trump not know that nuclear weapons are not toys to eagerly be played with?

Donald Trump

Trump reportedly asks why US can’t use nukes


Donald Trump asked a foreign policy expert advising him why the U.S. can’t use nuclear weapons, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough said on the air Wednesday, citing an unnamed source who claimed he had spoken with the GOP presidential nominee.

“Several months ago, a foreign policy expert on the international level went to advise Donald Trump. And three times [Trump] asked about the use of nuclear weapons. Three times he asked at one point if we had them why can’t we use them,” Scarborough said on his “Morning Joe” program.


Now that the Republican and Democratic conventions are done and both candidates have accepted their respective party’s nomination does that mean their names are on the ballets with no way to back out? Even if Trump chooses to withdraw from the election would his name still remain on the ballet?

Oh, and on a semi-related note: Superdelegates suddenly make a whole lot of sense after seeing what the Republican party has done to itself by letting the mob have total say……